Making a New Year Resolution to Run? Many people decide New Year is a great time to start running. It is, but so is every other day of the year – what are you waiting for? If you don’t run you need to start. What are you waiting for do it now!
The Problem With New Year
There are lots of scientific studies to explain the difficulties of maintaining New Year’s resolutions. There is too much expectation, faddish, overly ambitious etc. Way too many to list.
People sit with family or friends and reflect on the year just gone and the one ahead. It’s natural that this is a time to think about changing things.
We should also be mindful that year-end in the UK where I live, for example, is a dark gloomy place with short days and seemingly endless nights. A resolution is great but you must remember when you wake up to a cold morning run and remind yourself that its time to go outside running. Worse than this is waking up to go to a gym full of fellow New Year resolutioners who over the next few weeks will likely dwindle away slowly in defeat.
That said there is a way to win!
You need to set expectations and use something which works for you.
Don’t be too easy on yourself in terms of ambition but be a little realistic. If couch to ultra-runner was easy there would be an app for it.
I like to think of things in clearly defined boxes – something like this.
I would expect you are completely aware of why you are considering running, especially as a New Year resolution. If not take a moment to identify it. For some, it will be a desire to be physically fitter for others to be mentally fitter. Make sure you know what your driver is. Confirm your reason – whatever it is.
Once you have identified why you are going to run you need to determine what you will do. “I’m gonna start to run” sounds easy but it’s a little more nuanced.
Are you going to pound the streets? If so when? How do you make time? Will it be dark? What about joining a gym? Do you have someone to run with? Who can you talk to? Will you run a 5k race? Is there a local park run?
You get the idea, there are quite a few things to consider. However, if you do give them some thought upfront you are much more likely to be successful and much less likely to give up / make excuses/waste time.
Most of those questions are easily answered by you. You can also find guidance and support online. But answering them reduces the chances of not fulfilling the objective.
How is the physical manifestation of the Why and What? Plan out How you will do this.
Need kit – go and buy some
Have no treadmill – join a gym
Have no running goal – create one you can achieve , then create another and another
Evidence your progress – take a picture, weigh yourself , time yourself, write down how you feel
Need encouragement – remember the Why and reach out to runners online
Rubbish at keeping resolutions – habit stack (associate running with an established activity such as walking home from work) or make yourself accountable to yourself ideally – whatever works!
Once you understand this – you are ready to join “Run Club”. Joining “Run Club” requires amazing self-discipline.
Joining Run Club
Many people have fear and trepidation when approaching Run Club’s gilded doors. Understandably given its exclusivity and self-invitation only. Fear not we are a very friendly bunch. We appreciate the nervousness of newcomers and for the most part welcome them wholeheartedly. The various geographic satellite offices adhere to a standard set of Club rules. It is as follows:-
The first rule of Run Club is you talk about Run Club (but don’t become a bore)
The second rule of Run Club is you will always be friendly, encouraging and understanding to other members
The third rule of Run Club is if someone wants to leave Run Club (including you, you must persuade them to stay)
The fourth rule of Run Club is you must commit to Run Club
The fifth rule of Run Club is you must expect and overcome challenges.
Sounds like very fair and clear rules to me but does remind me of something :O)
Fourth Rule of Run Club
When you join Run Club you must commit fully. That doesn’t mean you have to crack out a marathon by mid-January. It does mean that you need to give it your all. But be realistic. If you run a few seconds and then walk to the next lampost that is absolutely fine as you have drawn a line in the sand and stepped over it. With a little bit of determination, the few seconds will soon become a few more. You will be running past the lampost. You rinse and repeat.
I wrote about my own experience of joining Run Club here. In no way did I think I could keep my membership beyond a few weeks. Here I am a few decades later. I smoked heavily and started out on a treadmill. That’s perfect if it is the route you decide to take. In some ways, it’s easier as you haven’t got to go and get back from anywhere. But remember that might well be in a gym. Gym Club does follow very similar rules to Run Club. We trust you will be looked after.
Fifth Rule of Run Club
It is almost certain at some stage there will be things which don’t go exactly to plan. Run Club tells you to expect those and face them head-on. Here’s some common examples.
Sick – we all get sick. Take some time out and use it as a chance to regroup and come back stronger
Discomfort – if you are not used to running, you will feel it. It means you are waking your body up. But listen to your body
Lack of recognisable progress – as with most things you won’t suddenly drop weight. You may even put some on as the muscles firn. You may not feel amazing. However, know that bit by bit you are making changes. Meet a friend after six months and they will see the difference
Too Busy – Run Club is a priority, don’t make excuses. Run Club will help your schedule if you attend it regularly
Not enjoying – This is a rarely seen phenomenon at Run Club. It is more likely that Rule 4 hasn’t been adhered to. In the unlikely event that Rule 4 has been followed adequately then you are allowed to check out some of the affiliates – Swim Club, Bike Club etc. Leave Club is however banned.
Clothes not fitting – this is a common challenge all members face. Many will discover their trousers or tops are too big and will be forced to purchase replacements. I found my underwear became a little tight around the thighs!
Remember the second and third rules of Run Club are there to support you. Fellow members have your back. Reach out in person or online. You will be drowned in encouragement. The third rule is underpinned by a secret rule number six – You can’t leave Run Club.
Run Club Benefits
Assuming you have tackled all of the challenges above and successfully become a fully-fledged member of Run Club you get all these amazing benefits and more.
Improved physical fitness
Pump up your mental health
Sleep of the gods
Better food choices but can still eat junk from time to time
You will be happier
Welcomed to a secretive, elite but friendly community
Lycra wearing in some form, usually brightly coloured and body clinging (you won’t care)
Excited when buying new running shoes
Deep understanding of segments, PB’s and local legends
Appreciate of post-run glow
You will be very attractive and a superior human being
Before You Go!
You may have been left some Amazon vouchers by Santa. Check this previous article which has short reviews on some books which I have read and kept me going.
thanks – i think ;o)