Motivation FI

How Can I Motivate Myself To Run?

How Can I Motivate Myself To Run?

The answer to How Can I Motivate Myself To Run involves two factors.  The first is to ensure you make running a priority. The second is to do everything you can to remove the reasons not to run.

The Night Before

Where I live it’s feeling wintery. As I start to write this piece on a Friday the forecast is for 4 c at 7.15 a.m. tomorrow. It won’t be fully light as the sun is having a weekend lie-in. I’m not. My kids need dad cab to move them around to their respective sporting events. As a consequence, I’ll be up and out well before the sun. I realise it is my window of opportunity to run tomorrow as I will likely be tired after standing watching them for hours in the cold.

I’m realistic. I just won’t run later. Thermals or not, I will feel a chill standing around as a spectator for certain and I will just want to hibernate. I don’t mind getting out early really as it means I’ll be done by 9.00 a.m. Done equals run completed, shower, eat peanut butter with toast and coffee. Day won. I write this feeling bullish about getting out. 

How I Think It Will Be In The Morning

As I continue to write this on Friday evening, the following words are my expectation for tomorrow.

Between five a.m. and six a.m. I will start to surface from sleep. I haven’t had anything alcoholic tonight (excuse number one removed). The bed will feel delicious and welcoming. The thick quilt will hold onto me. Outside will be dark and forbidding. The few steps across the room to the en-suite in order for morning pee will be cold and creaky (floorboards and me).

I will start questioning myself and the inevitable plausible excuses bubble up:-

  • Is it light enough to go out?
  • Do I have time this morning, you know I’ve got lots to do?
  • Are the kids up, do they need breakfast?
  • Is that ankle pain still noticeable?
  • Why don’t I go out later today? 
  • Maybe I should just rest, it is the weekend. 
  • Did I prepare my running gear already?
  • Will there be any scary animals in the dark?

The list will grow exponentially.

How It Was In The Morning

Did I say I felt bullish writing last night? – there’s definitely some kind of bull that comes to mind. With my subconscious playing tricks and placing obstacles in the way I need to focus.

I slept well and did my standard between five and six a.m. coming to. It was very dark and cold. The bed was super comfy, and warm and had this glue-like quality which made it very hard to sit up. But sit up I did. I must admit it did take me almost an hour from the first flickered opening of my eyes to getting up. During that time I read a bit and generally surfaced slowly.

I’ll tackle the excuses I’ve called out already starting from excuse number one!

  • No beers last night, what a waste if I don’t use a clear head at the weekend.
  • It always looks lighter once outside and gets brighter as morning breaks. And I’ve got a torch!
  • Yes, you have time, it’s just past 6 a.m. on a Saturday.
  • Kids are up, they can fend for themselves. If not they can wait.
  • Ankle pain?, everything hurts as it’s the morning and I’m over fifty.
  • You know you won’t go out later, it doesn’t work so don’t lie to yourself.
  • You can rest later once you put some effort in, it will feel good.
  • Running gear? Yes you did, next excuse.
  • Animals? possibly a scary fox or owl, maybe some other grizzled runner.

Excuses Dealt With I Tell Myself Positive Thoughts:-

  • Remember how great that peanut butter on toast will be.
  • Think how smoky it will taste with fresh coffee.
  • You won’t always be able to run.
  • You are knocking some calories off for the upcoming Christmas excesses.
  • You know running is your little drug, just one more hit eh?
  • Be like all these amazing people you see winning on the internet.
  • You win the day.
running gear prepared

Really Old Equipment

I realised while getting my clothes out the night before that they are mostly quite elderly.

  • Gloves you can just about see are made by Mizuno. They are thickish for running gloves and really comforting. I get blue fingertips while running sometimes so these help no end. I recall buying these in a running shop in east London circa 2005.
  • The blue t-shirt and top. Both are by Sugoi similar to this, which I can confidently say are about fifteen years old. I really like them and have another top in black. Great for chillier times. I bought those in Runners Need Spitalfields.
  • The leggings are by Gorewear
  • The bright green hat is also by Gorewear. I got these while I lived in central London so pre-2013. I look like an Australian lifeguard when I wear it. But it’s very bright for visibility.
  • The socks are Thorlos Pads. I love them. They stop blisters, they keep shape and they don’t fall down your feet into your shoe. These a pretty new at less than a year.
  • I mentioned torches. I didn’t take a picture of one but today’s was a CatEye bike torch like this. A friend bought it for me as thanks for letting him stay with me in 2005. I like this as it’s not heavy, can pulse and is brilliantly bright.

At some stage, I will write about gear. I think it’s really personal but I’ve tried loads of manufacturers so have a view and a few tales to tell.

A couple of points before I move on. I find I get through summer gear much quicker. I’m not sure if it’s the sweat or if I use them until they fall apart. The cooler weather stuff seems to survive longer. I do also have newer winter gear. This was just today’s ensemble.

Also, I did want to say that if that all seems a bit over the top for 4 degrees centigrade. Well, it might be. But I don’t make excuses to not go out. Do what works for you.

Top Tips

  • Do everything you can to make the run happen.
  • Prepare your running kit the night before a morning run.
  • Plan your route, Plan the time you will go (check the weather forecast etc).
  • Remove all the excuses under your control.
  • Make the run a priority activity of your day.

I hope you found this of interest. Please let me know if you have any suggestions to keep motivated in the comments.

TLDR – prioritise exercise, deprioritise excuses

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